Friday, April 9, 2010

Studio Academy (my high school) nostalgia

Have you ever had a day (or even just a while) where you felt so nostalgic that you wanted to cry? That's how I feel right now. Sad and nostalgic.

I was on facebook, and one of my friends was tagged in an album. I decided on a whim to take a look at the album and holy crap... it made me SO sad. It was from a friend from high school and had tons of pictures of other friends from high school. I loved my school. Studio Academy was freaking awesome. I had a lot of really good friends there.

At least, that's what I thought back then.

Now I have to wonder how many of them would even remember me. How many ever even think back and think of times we had together. That is at least, the ones that aren't NOW friends with my ex husband. It wouldn't surprise me if they have heard how horrible I am or some such stuff. *sigh*

I loved my time at Studio Academy. I look back on it with extremely happy memories. Of course, there were the bad times, but overall it leaves a happy memory. But, it does make me sad to wonder... how many people? Not only friends, but (and this may sound weird) teachers? The teachers that I had at Studio Academy were the best teachers I have ever had. They enjoyed what they taught, and that rubbed off. They were friendly. They were great. Do they remember me?

All in all, in the grand scheme of things, I guess it doesn't really matter. Unfortunately, to me it does matter. I miss those times. I miss those people. I'll probably never see most of them again, being as I now live halfway across the country. But they are important to me. If, by chance, anyone from Studio Academy happens on this blog, know that I do miss you.

Now to revel further in nostalgia.

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