Thursday, July 15, 2010

Wow... So those hives...

So, it's been a while since I updated, but I have a feeling it doesn't really matter...

Anyway, turns out, we found out the reason for the hives. I am not 14 1/2 weeks pregnant. I got the hives a week or so after I would have concieved. Interesting, huh?

The pregnancy has been killing me. I'm extremely emotional, exhausted beyond belief, and just all around blah. Work is HARD. Not because it's really hard, but for a few other reasons. First among them, people. Clients make me angry or sad on a daily basis. I'm having a hard time keeping a cap on my emotions. I know they're just dipshits on the phone, and them yelling at me or whatever isn't really going to hurt me or anything. But gah! I can't deal with it. At least not nearly as well as I have in the past. Coworkers are almost worse. I work with a lot of really dumb people. Ok, not really. I actually like most of my coworkers. Some of them jsut really get on my nerves. *shrugs* What can ya do, I guess?

The other reason it's hard is I'm SO TIRED! I can barely pull myself through a workday without passing out. I got to bed way earlier than I ever have before, and wake up with just enough time to get myself ready for work.

Overall, I feel like crap. This pregnancy has been really difficult so far. I have been really sick, on top of everything else. At least I know it's worth it at the end!

Anyway, enough whining. I'm going to try to update more frequently. We'll see what happens.

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